Your Impact
We support and stand with BIPOC communities. Our thoughts and good intentions are not enough, and that is why we are committed to action. The great outdoors is a shared space for everyone, so we partner with and support people who work to make the outdoors a safe place for everyone.
We also want to give back to the animals that inspired our clothes and to the people who are disproportionately affected by fly borne diseases like malaria. As a small start-up we don’t have the resources to start our own conservation and social justice branch...yet. That's why we give 10% of our total income to the folks already working to save zebras and prevent malaria.
5% of our total profits will go to the Grevy’s Zebra Trust. The good people at Grevy’s Zebra Trust are empowering communities in Kenya and Ethiopia to protect the Grevy’s Zebra. The Grevy’s Zebra is the largest species of zebra and sadly, there are less than 2,000 individuals left in the wild. If you're interested in learning more about the Grevy’s Zebra and the Trust, check out their website.
The other 5% will go to Roll Back Malaria. They are the “platform for coordinated action against malaria. It mobilizes for action and resources and forges consensus among Partners. It was launched in 1998 by WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank in an effort to provide a coordinated global response to the disease.” To learn more about RBM check out their website.
Eventually, we want to get free Haltair products to people who need protection from biting flies and the diseases they carry most. We are currently working with partners in Central America, South America, Africa, and South East Asia to work on the best way to get our clothes to the people impacted on a daily basis by fly borne diseases.
Finally, visual repellents could have huge impacts on the way that we approach pest management in the United States and abroad. We are exploring options for how to best apply stripes to livestock to reduce the use of harsh insecticides that are killing non target insects like bees and dung beetles.